We're All About Wetlands....And More!
Environmental Concern Inc. is a 501(c)3 not for profit corporation, that is dedicated to working with all aspects of wetlands – the most productive and fascinating ecosystems in the world. After 50 years of providing wetland services in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and beyond, we continue to broaden our partnership efforts. We have made significant progress in the ongoing effort to improve the water quality in the bay; yet there is still much work to be done. Protecting our wetlands is vital!
EC’s native plant nursery propagates and grows over 100 native wetland and upland plant species. In addition to supplying shrubs and emergent grasses to wholesale and retail buyers, the nursery also supplies wetland plants for EC’s restoration and education projects.
Since EC’s founding in 1972, the restoration division has restored over 50 miles of shoreline in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed using the bioengineering protocol developed by our founder, Dr. Ed Garbisch. Over the years, engineers and scientists at EC have refined this technique, a process that has been proven over time as an effective long term solution to control shoreline erosion. In addition, the restoration team also constructs and restores wetland facilities to improve wastewater treatment and stormwater management.
EC’s education department works to increase understanding of, foster appreciation for, and encourage the stewardship of wetland systems. This is accomplished through materials/curriculum development, professional courses and innovative outreach programs.
Practitioners Then.....

And Now.....