Marsh Creation/Restoration on Paw Paw Cove

Environmental Concern (EC) created a 2.6 acre marsh on Tilghman Island.  This Living Shoreline protects approximately 600 lineal feet of shoreline on Paw Paw Cove/Chesapeake Bay.   The fetch from the northwest exceeds 20 miles; the fetch from the west and southwest exceeds 10 miles.  For the period January 2009 – January 2011, shoreline erosion was monitored at several locations.  The shoreline loss varied along the length of the shoreline from 2.4 ft. annually (southern portion) to as much as 14.4 ft. annually (northern portion).  EC designed the project and obtained all necessary permits.  EC eradicated Phragmites, restored an existing wetland, constructed a Living Shoreline, and planted Spartina patens and Spartina alterniflora, grown in EC’s native plant nursery.

EC also restored a pond on this property.  The pond had near-vertical banks and was only about 4 feet deep.  Algae blooms were common in summer.  EC deepened the pond and graded the banks of the pond to create a planting shelf that was then planted with native wetland plants grown in EC’s nursery.  The plants around the pond are thriving and host large numbers of migrating monarchs in early fall.

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